Relative difficulty: Medium

THEME: ELIZABETH / TAYLOR (55A: With 17-Across, late Hollywood star)—several different roles and movie titles populate the grid
Word of the Day: METAZOAN (37D: Multicellular animal) —
(zoology) The multicellular animals that make up the major portion of the animal kingdom; cells are organized in layers or groups as specialized tissues or organ systems. (
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Theme answers:
- 4D: 1944 title role for 55-/17-Across (VELVET)
- 21A: 1963 title role for 55-/17-Across (CLEOPATRA)
- 27A: 1965 film starring 55-/17-Across (THE SANDPIPER)
- 45A: 1960 film for which 55-/17-Across won a Best Actress Oscar (BUTTERFIELD 8)
- 49D: How often 55-/17-Across was married (8 TIMES)
- 61A: "Suddenly, Last ___" (1959 film starring 55-/17-Across) ("SUMMER")
- 3D: Early Indian invader (ARYAN) — baffled by this one, which made the NW a bit harder than normal (esp. true give the intersecting theme answers—difficult to pick up if you don't know the theme yet).
- 29D: Feminizing suffix (-ENNE) — hate this clue, generally. First, I know it'll be a suffix (suboptimal fill). Second, it could be at least four different things. No way to know except from crosses.
47D: Protagonists in "Star Wars" (REBELS) — hmmm. I guess so, though "protagonists" doesn't sit quite right with me. HAN Solo is a protagonist. REBELS are a group he generally belongs to (by the end). Don't think of the collective as "protagonists."
Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld
[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter]
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