Relative difficulty: Medium-Challenging (typical Tuesday time for me)
THEME: "The ___ of ___" switches — familiar 15-letter phrases have final words rotated to final position in subsequent theme answer, creating odd phrases, clued with "?"s

Word of the Day: OLLA podrida (16A: ___ podrida (spicy stew)) —
Olla podrida is a Spanish stew made from pork and beans and an inconsistent, wide variety of other meats and vegetables, often including chickpeas, depending on the recipe used. The meal is traditionally prepared in a clay pot over several hours. It is eaten as a main course, sometimes as a single dish, and sometimes with ingredients separated (i.e., meats from the rest, or liquids from solids). (wikipedia)
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Theme answers:
- 17A: Tempo? (THE SPEED OF MUSIC)
- 37A: Ka-ching? (THE SOUND OF MONEY)
- 55A: Spectrum? (THE COLOR OF LIGHT)
- 14A: Sitarist Shankar (RAVI) — crossword staple, father of other musical crossword staple, NORAH Jones.
- 15A: Squiggle over an "n" (TILDE) — seems like this clue should have "in Spanish" in it (however obvious that might be). Seems incomplete / nonsensical otherwise.
36A: Simba's love in "The Lion King" (NALA) — NALA, FALA, KALA, LALA ... these names bleed together for me.
- 48A: "Sesame Street" character with a unibrow (BERT) — he also has a pet pigeon, Bernice, and collects bottle caps.
- 29D: Put X's over (CROSSED OUT) — My brain translated "over" as "on top of" or "above," and I was trying to imagine some activity where one would draw an "X" above something...
Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld
[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter]
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