Relative difficulty: Easy-Medium
THEME: SWITCH POSITIONS (62A: Trade places ... or a hint to parts of 17-, 27- and 48-Across)— three theme answers are phrases containing both "ON" and "OFF"

Word of the Day: ORNE (6D: River of Normandy) —
The Orne is a river in Normandy, within northwestern France.[1] It discharges into the English Channel at the port of Ouistreham. Its source is in Aunou-sur-Orne, east of Sées. The Odon is one of its tributaries. // The Orne formed the Eastern flank of the Allied landings in Normandy during World War II on 6 June 1944.
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Theme answers:
- 17A: Intermittent, as a relationship (ON AGAIN OFF AGAIN)
- 27A: Leaves the main topic temporarily (IS OFF ON A TANGENT)
- 48A: Start to exit an Interstate (GET ON THE OFF RAMP)
PEGLEGS = big winner of the day (10D: Limbs for movie pirates). There are some issues with the rest of the fill. And the cluing. What the hell is up with the clue on ROPETOW (44D: Aid for skiing uphill). If it's pulling you uphill you *aren't* "skiing." And if you find yourself on skis and going uphill, you're Doing It Wrong (cross-country skiers excepted). I might have done just about anything to keep NOVEM out of my (Tuesday) puzzle (33D: Caesar's nine). I had a couple years of Latin and I couldn't come up with it. Wanted NONES, mainly because that's one of the canonical hours

25A: Plumlike fruit (SLOE) — an important bit of crosswordese. My first guess here was POME (?). SLOE is almost TANGENTial to SLOW today (37A: Apply brakes to). But not quite.
- 39A: Gearbox option (REVERSE) — this is literally true. I like the clue. Actually, I like the word "GEARBOX" — wish *that* were in the grid.
- 66A: Smuggler's unit (KILO) — I'm not the biggest fan of cross-referenced clues, but I'm surprised there's no KILO-NARC tie-in today (49D: Crack officer?).
- 67A: Francis of old game shows (ARLENE) — like SLOE, an important bit of crosswordese. Only other ARLENE I've seen is Dahl. I have amended my future child's name to OOLA ARLENE ...
- 25D: Quadraphonic halved (STEREO) — the clues are more entertaining than the answers today.
- 47D: Modern dweller in ancient Ur (IRAQI) — went with IRANI [buzzer!] then realized the thing I was being asked to stick in my ear was a Q-TIP (58A: Stick it in your ear). They mean your outer ear. I hope.
Enjoy your Tuesday.
Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld
[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter]
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