Relative difficulty: Medium
THEME: ROUND-TRIP TICKET (65A: Traveler's option ... or what you won't get on a 17-, 27- or 48-Across) — theme answers are all titles referring to (theoretically) one-way trips — I'm not convinced you can't come back from NOWHERE ...

Word of the Day: John NANCE Garner (35D: F.D.R. veep John ___ Garner) —
GARNER, John Nance, a Representative from Texas and a Vice President of the United States; born near Detroit, Red River County, Tex., November 22, 1868; had limited educational advantages; studied law, admitted to the bar in 1890, and commenced practice in Uvalde, Uvalde County, Tex.; judge of Uvalde County, Tex., 1893-1896; member, State house of representatives 1898-1902; elected as a Democrat to the Fifty-eighth and to the fourteen succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1903-March 3, 1933); served as minority floor leader (Seventy-first Congress) and as Speaker of the House of Representatives (Seventy-second Congress); reelected to the Seventy-third Congress on November 8, 1932, and on the same day was elected Vice President of the United States on the ticket headed by Franklin D. Roosevelt; reelected Vice President in 1936 and served in that office from March 4, 1933, to January 20, 1941; retired to private life and resided in Uvalde, Tex., until his death there on November 7, 1967; interment in Uvalde Cemetery. (Biographical Directory of the United States Congress)
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Theme answers:
- 17A: 1980s TV series starring Michael Landon ("HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN")
- 27A: 2002 Tom Hanks/Paul Newman film ("ROAD TO PERDITION")
- 48A: Onetime Alaska boondoggle (BRIDGE TO NOWHERE)
- 38A: Organization for geniuses (MENSA) — my wife, in one of her not-so-charitable moments, exclaimed as she solved this "Why don't they ever clue this as [Organization for pretentious twits] — only the word wasn't "twits." Close. But not.
43A: Cranium contents (BRAIN) — I might have lost a few seconds here, too, thinking "contents" would clue a plural.
- 47A: Big Japanese computer maker: Abbr. (NEC) — there was a time when I was not familiar with this abbrev. Never like it when abbrevs. cross stuff I don't know (here, NANCE). But in the end, no problem today.
- 27D: Oblique-angled, four-sided figure (RHOMB) — Wife not happy here either. "Is RHOMBUS plural?" Um, no. RHOMB is just what RHOMBUS's friends call him.
- 34D: Willow whose twigs are used in basketry (OSIER) — learned early in my solving career. For no clear reason, I have an affection for it. Related (via basketry) to RAFFIA, for which I have no particular affection.
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