Relative difficulty: Challenging
THEME: MARTINI (37A: Cocktail called "the elixir of quietude" by 4-Down (i.e. E.B. WHITE)) — theme answers are ways one might order one's martini, clued jokingly, via plays on words, as the martini orders of various famous people

Word of the Day: EMAC (42A: Apple originally marketed to schools) —
The eMac, short for education Mac, was a Macintosh desktop computer made by Apple Inc. It was originally aimed at the education market, then available as a cheaper mass market option over Apple's second generation iMac. The eMac design closely resembled first-generation iMacs. It sports a PowerPC G4 processor significantly faster than the older iMac's G3 processor, and a larger 17" flat display. // The eMac was discontinued by Apple on July 5, 2006 and replaced with a cheaper, low-end iMac that, like the eMac, was originally sold exclusively to educational institutions, but later released to the general public in September 2006.
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A snazzy grid and fantastic theme, though far more suited to a Wednesday than a Tuesday in terms of its fill and cluing. 
Theme answers:
- 20A: Tiger and Elin Woods's 37-Across order? (ON THE ROCKS) — this feels a little mean
- 11D: O. Henry's 37-Across order? (WITH A TWIST) — because of his ironing
- 53A: Paula Abdul's 37-Across order? (STRAIGHT UP) — HA ha. Great. I miss Paula on "Idol." Ellen is far too ... coherent. And Kara ... don't get me started.
- 29D: Popeye's 37-Across order? (EXTRA OLIVE) — the second theme answer I got, before I knew the theme ... I thought puzzle was going to be something about missing "VIRGIN"s or something ...
- 4D: "The Elements of Style" updater (E.B. WHITE) — no idea he held forth on MARTINIs. My respect for him continues to grow.

- 27A: It might start "E FP TOZ LPED" (EYE TEST)— very nice clue
- 44A: Figure of Greek myth with a statue at Rockefeller Center (ATLAS) — somehow I went with ERATO at first :(
- 46A: 1889 statehood achievers, with "the" (DAKOTAS) — weird. Got it without too much trouble, but ... they achieved statehood as North and South Dakota, not as the
DAKOTAS, so clue feels slightly odd.
- 65A: The hapless Corleone (FREDO) — Clue made me laugh. Also, I had FRODO.
- 67A: "Peter Pan" fairy, for short (TINK) — Should have gotten this right away, as I remember the "Think TINK" merch from the last time I was at Disney World. Instead, I wanted her to be T-BELL or some such street-sounding name.
- 13D: Some turns and boxing punches (LEFTS) — makes complete sense in retrospect, but mid-solve, clue read like gibberish.
- 22D: Wise old Athenian (SOLON) — was he not always wise, i.e. wise before he was old. I didn't know age was part of his schtick.
- 26D: City known as Colombia's sports capital (CALI) — and not, as you suspected, its drug capital.
28D: "Car Talk" dubbed it "the worst car of the millennium" (YUGO) — "She'll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene ... put it in 'H'!"
- 43D: Frenzied place at a rock club (MOSH PIT) — do these still exist. Like PHAT (23A: Super, slangily), this feels dated already.
- 46D: Cisco Kid's horse (DIABLO) — no idea. Got it off DIA-. "Oh DIABLO Canyon 2, why can't you be more like DIABLO Canyon 1?!"
R.I.P. legendary sci-fi/fantasy artist Frank Frazetta and legendary singer/actress (and crossword stalwart) LENA Horne
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