UPDATED 5/20/10 6:21 p.m.

Once again it’s my pleasure to introduce a little more hump day fun into your office experience, thus making your day even less productive, but perhaps more enjoyable, than it would have been otherwise. By way of David Hudson and the newly renamed Daily MUBI comes a link to Dennis Cooper’s blog DC’s and his “Foreign” Film Pop Quiz-- the quotes in the title give a clue as to the deliberate misnomer in operation here. Dennis provides a look at 27 posters created in countries, one presumes, other than the country of the film’s origin. What to do with them? Here’s Dennis:
“Each poster advertises a known -- and in many cases very well known -- American or European film. Some films are recent, some are older. Your task is to guess the names of as many of the movies as you can. You can incorporate the guesses of earlier commenters into your guesses if you like… The person who guesses the most film titles correctly by the time I post tomorrow will win a prize. The prize is that I will make a blog day about anyone or anything the winner chooses.”
The image seen above is one of those posters, and one of the easier titles to coax from the imagery, much of which is stunning and elliptical and, in some cases, outright bizarre. It won’t be easy, but it’ll be fun. Let me know how it goes! I’ll post answers to the ones I can get (not close to all 27, a cursory glance assures me) later in the day. (Come on, psaga, you know you wanna give this one a shot...)
UPDATE 5/20/10 6:21 p.m.
I've taken a stab at the posters and left my answers in the comments thread below. I promise I did not peek at any of the answers that may have been deposited at Dennis Cooper's blog-- if I had, my try would have been much more complete than it ended up being. SO take a look at what I've got and see if you can help me fill in some of the blanks!
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