Saturday, 6 November 2010


Morning After the Blast
Morning After the Blast. Sun Pictures / Lakshman

The CIA and FBI ignored repeated warnings, from as early as 2001, that David Headley, an American, was involved in terrorism in the Indian subcontinent.

Presumably this was because Headley was carrying out acts of terrorism for the CIA?

Headley was able to live in Chicago, New York, India and Pakistan, without interference from the security services.

David Headley

On 6 November 2010, we read of the:

Newly discovered warnings about American agent David Headley, the planner of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks Case

The Washington Post and ProPublica report at least five separate instances in which relatives or associates of David Headley warned that Headley was training or working with Pakistani militants.

Well before the Mumbai Attacks, one of Headley's ex-wives told U.S. officials that she thought Headley was linked to the 2007 bombing of the Samjauta express train in India that killed dozens of people and has been blamed on the Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group (which has links to the CIA).

Samjhauta Express

David Headley is reported to have been involved in the 2007 terrorist attack on the Samjhauta Express train. Sun Pictures / Lakshman

Police chief Hemant Karkare discovered that Lt.Colonel Srikant Purohit, of Indian military intelligence, had got 60 kg of RDX explosive from government supplies for use in the attack on the Samjhauta Express train in February 2007. (Purohit supplied RDX for Samjhauta bomb: ATS - Express India)

Karkare was assassinated during the 2008 Mumbai attacks, presumably to prevent him disclosing that the security services were the real terrorists.

Evidence about Headley accumulated over seven years.
Yet Headley was able to train in Pakistani terror camps (believed to be linked to the CIA) and scout terror targets in India, the USA and Europe.

Headley was not questioned or placed on a terror watch list by the CIA or FBI.

The USA's Director of National Intelligence, or DNI, was forced to hold a review of the Headley case after ProPublica reported in October 2010 that federal investigators in New York City received a 2005 tip from Headley's wife about his training with Lashkar and other similar activities.

The New York Times then reported that another of Headley's wives warned U.S. embassy officials in Pakistan in 2007 that she thought he was a terrorist.

There were four additional warnings, US officials have now been forced to admit.

The newly discovered leads were in 2001, 2002, April 2008 and December 2008.

Headley was taken into custody in the US in October 2009, presumably to protect him from the Indian authorities.

The whistleblowers in the newly disclosed cases all warned that Headley was linked to terrorism.

The whistleblowers included (1) one of Headley's former girlfriends in New York City (2) the owner of a business used by Headley's mother near Philadelphia (3) and one of Headley's mother's friends in the Philadelphia area.

US authorities have been forced to admit a second, more specific tip from the Headley wife who contacted U.S. officials in Pakistan.

Obama and Indian Prime Minister Singh. There is a suspicion that elements of the US and Indian security services are involved in the terrorism in India.

It should be noted that Headley's father worked for Voice of America, "a CIA front organisation".

Headley worked for the US Drugs Enforcement Administration.

1. The first tip about Headley to the US authorities came in 2001 in New York and was from a former girlfriend.

The ex-girlfriend reported that Headley supported dangerous extremists.

The New York inquiry was closed.

In 2002, Headley reportedly trained at a Lashkar camp in Pakistan.

2. In July 2002, the owner of a Philadelphia business, where Headley's mother was a regular customer, called the FBI to inform on David Headley.

The business owner reported that David Headley had told his mother he was training with terrorists.

"I figured the FBI would take it from there," the business owner said. "There was no follow-up. I never heard anything else about it."

The Philadelphia inquiry was closed.

Headley trained again in Pakistan in August 2002 and three times in 2003 and 2004, court documents show.

3. In 2005 Headley fell out with his New York wife.

The wife contacted the Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and described Headley's ties to Lashkar.

She went into detail about his training, fundraising and work.

She offered to show the US officials his e-mails, an offer they rejected.

The New York task force closed the inquiry.

The task force didn't interview or monitor Headley.

An anti-terror expert said:

"You wonder why they didn't try to interview him for intelligence purposes.

"Why didn't they do a lookout at airports for him so he could be checked or interviewed when he was traveling? Why didn't they put him on a watch list?"

Bush and Pakistan prime minister Gilani. David Headley is a half brother of Gilani.

In 2005, Headley began scout targets in Mumbai, according to investigators and court documents.

4. In December 2007, Headley's Moroccan wife went to the U.S. embassy in Pakistan to act as a whistleblower.

She met agents of the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

During two meetings, the wife told the agents that Headley was involved with "big people" and "looking to participate in jihad against the U.S."

She mentioned suicide bombing and terror training.

The CIA station chief and the FBI legal attaché both decided not to pursue the allegations.

5. In April 2008, the Moroccan wife returned to the embassy in Islamabad and gave a specific warning.

Acording to a senior official:

"She said Headley had been given a special mission and that he had both U.S. and Pakistani passports.

"She said she felt she had been innocently used in an express train bombing" in India in 2007.

This was the bombing of the Samjhauta express train, which killed 68 people.

Police chief Hemant Karkare discovered that Lt.Colonel Srikant Purohit, of Indian military intelligence, had got 60 kg of RDX explosive from government supplies for use in the attack on the Samjhauta Express train in February 2007. (Purohit supplied RDX for Samjhauta bomb: ATS - Express India)

The terror attacks on Mumbai began on 26 November 2008 and ended on 29 November.

6. Headley's mother died in early 2008.

In December 2008, a friend of hers contacted the FBI.

The friend told agents about a conversation with Headley's mother that led her to believe Headley "had been fighting alongside individuals in Pakistan to liberate Kashmir for the past 5 to 6 years."

Headley was arrested in Chicago in October 2009.

In the final months before his 'arrest', Headley scouted targets for Ilyas Kashmiri, who is believed to have links to the CIA.

US President Barack Obama has announced $10bn of India trade deals.

The message is - trade with the USA or get more terrorism?

And don't think about CHINDIA: INDIA ALLIED TO CHINA?

aangirfan: HEADLEY-GATE


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